As a parent, you will want the best educational opportunities for your child, especially if you know that they are capable of being challenged and stretched further.

Our consultants are experienced and dedicated in helping you make confident and informed decisions when choosing and applying to grammar schools and how to help prepare your child academically.

We understand that it can be an overwhelming and lengthy process to adhere to the correct procedure to ensure your child’s place in their chosen grammar & private schools. To relieve you of this pressure and to maximise your child’s opportunity, our consultants will support you throughout every step of the journey.

Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Step-by-step guidance with the application form from beginning to end.
  • Helping you to understand the admission criteria for their preferred schools
  • Helping you to understand the process of allocating schools
  • Placing schools in the correct order of preference
  • Early/On-time applications to maximise opportunity

Price £150.00 – limited to two school applications per child

For further details about this, please contact us on 0203 874 2111

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