Benefits of Tutoring at A-Education

A-Education Benefits

Tutoring can be extremely beneficial to all students across a wide range of subjects. From learning and improving their Maths and English to preparing for exams and learning important life skills. At A-Education, tutors can help develop student’s confidence and help them thrive at school and in life.

Tutoring can come in all forms, ranging from online tuition, private at home, or group learning at tuition centres. The type of tutoring is selected by parents to cater to the child’s unique learning style and help achieve the student’s goal. Having a tutor can help support your child, motivate them, and allow for focused attention on your child’s development. A-Education opens a new door where students’ needs are met without having a classroom full of distractions.

Tuition improves academic performance. At A-Education we can plan lessons unique to the student or group to help develop areas where they can improve. Tutors can understand the personality of the student which then can help them customise teaching methods suited to their strengths and weaknesses. Tutors help students prepare for exams and assessments and can work with the student to tackle problem areas.

Tutoring encourages independence and responsibility, with students able to make decisions on their growth and schoolwork without the help of a parent. At A-Education, students will be able to take responsibility for their learning.

With tutoring, students can develop study habits. A-Education provides students the framework they need from their dedicated tutor to help them through schoolwork and will make them feel less overwhelmed with all the pressures of exams. Consistent tutoring will help students towards their deadlines and encourage them to learn skills such as time management. Giving your child the extra help, they may need will set a challenge that will create a path to achieving success.

At A-Education we offer parents within depth, direct and personalised feedback. With one-to-one and smaller group sessions, tutors can give detailed insight to parents. This recognises accomplishments and areas to improve. With this type of feedback, the student can identify the gaps in their progress, and it helps develop their academic skills.